Permanent mic stand base.

I'm the kinda guy who likes to dance around with my mic stand. Problem is the round base always spins around, cause of course its a thread mount, and grinds the threads together to much and scores them till they don't connect anymore. Is there a way to permanently attache the base? Like use loctite or something?
You can always have it welded. Its not an easy thing to do because many stand bases are pot metal and that stuff tends to be a bit explosive when you weld it. Take one to a metal shop/welder and have them tack it up. Otherwise, lock tight will certainly help. Best bet is to buy a good mic stand and get it welded.
Construction adhesive is a quick and dirty solution. I've got stuff glued together with Bulldog Grip adhesive that gets alot of abuse and it's still hangin' tough. . .

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