Control/Dimming Philips Colorplay Not Working in RGBA Mode


Active Member
For some reason I can't get RGBA mode working in Colorplay. It's bizarre. Here's a screenshot:


With chromasync enabled, it works fine but only RGB LED's are used. Amber never turns on.

With chromasync disabled, amber LED's are used but colors are not fully saturated even when the color I select is supposed to be (e.g. R, B, and A on at the same time). And occasionally rapid flickering of Amber, as you would see if sending a 16-bit signal to 8-bit hardware, but the DMX dimmer is set to 16 bits/channel.

I don't use a more updated version of Colorplay because the newer versions have difficulty recognizing the controllers. There's no option of generic RGBA, unlike RGB, so I selected a Philips product.

It might sound like I'm dissatisfied with Colorplay, but actually it's one of my favorite lighting tools. Been using it for years with RGB LED strips but for some reason have never been able to get RGBA working. Would be nice to get those punchy oranges and yellows which by contrast can bring out the blues. Any ideas?
Update: I used the latest version of Colorplay and selected "Generic RGBA" (see screenshots), but the same problems are happening. Tech support doesn't care. I used the contact form: no reply. Then I emailed them, they asked what fixtures I'm using, I explained that I'm using a dimmer for LED strips, haven't heard from them since. Does anybody know how to contact someone at Philips that would actually care to fix this on their next version release? It really looks like a software bug.



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