Control/Dimming Using an Expression 3 console without the emphasis server


In the performing arts center that I work for, we have an ETC Expression 3 console integrated with the Emphasis Server. I read in the documentation that once the console is upgraded to work with the Emphasis server, It can no longer function as a stand-alone console.
From the Manual:
"When a Facepanel has been upgraded to Emphasis operation, it will no longer operate as a stand-alone console. The Facepanel essentially becomes a keyboard with some DMX
Node functionality. As such, the Facepanel cannot operate without the Emphasis Server
Any help would be great!
To my understanding that is true. You must boot up the Emphasis computer and it has to be connected to the board in order for the system to work.

On the other hand, there should be a set of restore discs in the console. Loosen the two round knobs at the base of the console and you can then lift the face of the board up. Should be a set of discs in the console that will allow you to revert back to a traditional console. At least mine is set up that way. You may loose some of the channels that Emphasis provides since you will be going back to the basic board.
great, I will give that a try if we really want to risk losing functionality. I am personally against restoring to stand-alone. But thank you!
The Emphasis server should have under the System Manager account utilities to make both stock firmware and Emphasis firmware floppies for the consoles so you can convert as needed. I would not do it on a regular basis, but the ability to restore to stand alone, or restore to facepanel does exist. A theater recently retired their Emphasis setup for an Ion after the NIC in the facepanel became unreliable and they didn't want to send the console to ETC for a 3rd time in a single year for repair (nearby lightening strike blew DMX line drivers, the floppy controller was discovered to have failed 3-4 years previous based on note with restore disks, and other issues).

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