Conventional Fixtures Vintage Stage Lighting Galleries-


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The Brits were inventive but so were the folks in the US.

Here's a Rosco history page:
Rosco At 100!

This will show you fixture design from Kleigl, one of the two major manufacturers (the other being Century):
Kliegl Bros. Universal Electric Stage Lighting Company

Now, before I get slammed for the phrase "two major manufacturers," allow me to point out that Kleigl and Century pretty much owned both fixture and control production in the US from the '20s through the '70s. For whatever reasons (and I, for one, would love to see a discussion on this) they failed to remain independent entities.
...For whatever reasons (and I, for one, would love to see a discussion on this) they failed to remain independent entities.
For both, more money going out than coming in, i.e., bankruptcy. Century got bought for the first time in 1964. Kliegl didn't have enough assets to be attractive, and finally succumbed to competition from Strand, Colortran, and ETC/LMI in 1991.

For more on Strand (mostly Strand-UK), see the thread , especially the posts by paulears.
I've heard from an extremely reliable source that one of the main factors that tipped Kliegl over the edge was the bank that held the mortgage wanted to repossess and redevelop the property, so they were playing hardball with Kliegl's debt. They might have lasted longer, or survived, if their lender had been more friendly.
My boss has what looks like a Strand EP 44 Baby in his office. Does anybody have a better picture so I can confirm?

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