Leg extenders?


I work in a space where an old proscenium stage was converted to a thrust so that most of the original stage is now the backstage. There is still about 12-feet of depth of the original stage (our "upper stage") which is usable in addition to the thrust in front. The original stage (which was apparently warped and sagging) was covered with a deck of platforms so that the height from the upper stage to the thrust is 31 inches. We have very limited storage so I try to keep stock units and always build in 8-inch rise intervals so I can reuse legs. AYCI, this 31" has been a major headache for me over the years. I have thought about trying to raise the upper stage an inch but that is cost prohibitive. I am considering designing some sort of 1-inch leg extension to add to the legs on the platforms on the upper stage to keep everything in 8" rise increments. These platforms tend to be pretty tall as they are in the very back of the set. Has anyone ever done something like this? Is there a product that already exists? Does anyone have any other ideas? TIA!!
What are the legs on the current stage made of? If metal--can you add screw feet? If wood, can you just replace the legs?
One inch does sound more like "spacer" territory than "extension" to me. I might look for a wood shop that would have a bunch of 4/4 thickness offcuts you could recycle for them... Obviously lots of other options for the exact material, but the idea of ending up with some really fancy wood for this very utilitarian task appeals to me at the moment.

As long as they're a reasonable margin bigger than the foot of your legs, then you just throw them down and set the platforms on top when putting everything in place. I'm picturing 5-6" squares, but it depends on what your legs look like.
Thanks so much for the replies! The legs are wood. I think adding a 1" "spacer" block makes the most sense. I was worried about how I might attach something like this to the original leg but I like the suggestion of making these a little wider/deeper than the leg so it will rest without getting knocked off. I also love the idea of contacting a local wood shop for their off cuts! Thanks everyone!!

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