Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

Just took these tonight at our final dress rehearsal of The Nerd.

Used R04 in four ellipsoidals with the other four as NC.
R316 as backlight from fresnels on the couch and dining table.
R74 and R25 washes from 4 fresnels each which I did use for some color mixing.

Slideshow: http://cid-fc192d0bb2f6977e.skydrive.live.com/play.aspx/The%20Nerd?ref=1 (Requires Microsoft Silverlight)
Thumbnails: http://cid-fc192d0bb2f6977e.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/The Nerd

Feedback is appreicated and welcomed.
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From a mitzvah last weekend. Rained like crazy for most of the party.


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Jekyll & Hyde - amazing photography

I was just looking back at photos from our school production of Jekyll & Hyde last year for which I ran sound, and remembered how much I liked the photography. I really think the photographer did an amazing job capturing everything - the whole look of the show with the lighting and set, and the emotion in the acting,

The photos are at WildLight Photography Home then under stage shows in the left column, and then Jekyll & Hyde. The best ones are probably under dress rehearsals.

I would be interested to hear what anyone else thinks of the photos.
I don't get to do a lot of actual shows any more. In my job I am more focused on architectural jobs. These are pictures of the building I have been programming lately.

Picasa Web Albums - jmabray - Drop Box

Sorry to quote so far back, but I finally got a chance tonight to drive by and look at this building. Very cool.
I tried to find it once before, but downtown Dallas starts getting a little sketch after midnight, so I gave up looking. ;)
I did this show a few months ago at First Baptist Church Woodstock for Student Life University. It was a show all about creating an ambient environment. To do it I used over 400' of white fabric, 52 LEDs (Chauvet Colordash Pars, Quads, and Coemar Parlights) and 6 Coemar Prospot 250 LXs. Plus a front wash of 36* ETC Source Fours and some extra back lighting from some S4 Pars and Strand Cyc Bays.


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De B ee

Some images from our previous production "De Beestenbende", based on 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell.






I'll try to put up pictures of our current show.
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Re: De B ee


This is the work I did in my church's sanctuary for our 4th of July service. Its not much, but I don't think it's too bad with just a $2.75 budget. ;)

The blue light in the baptistry is a halogen wash light, that faded between red and blue, with an occasional white. There was another flag hanging over the house, centered between the 4 chandeliers. You can't tell as much in the photo, but there were red pinspots uplighting the columns on wither side of the stage, white spots on either side of the baptistry, and I gelled the backlights and some of the sidelights blue.

I made one large mistake, though. I forgot to double-check how to properly hang a flag vertically, and accidentally hung the flag over the choir backwards. I didn't realize this until about 10 minutes before the service started, leaving myself no time to run up to the catwalk so that I could fix it. :/
Re: De B ee

Wellll.... My high school just did a production of Grease last winter (Which Jim Jacobs' nephew showed up to... somewhat nerve wracking). Couldn't exactly get photos of the show itself because of copyright and licensing issues, However with some snooping I managed to find some photos from rehearsal; bear in mind that there were still some major tweaks to be made at the time and everything was sort of roughly focused.





The space is considerably tiny, it's on the ground floor of an older 2 storey building, and is inconveniently below the school library, so that posed some issues, low ceiling and such, as well as a really shallow stage. About 26 feet deep by 27 feet wide. Stage floor to grid iron is a mere 15 feet.

Specs are as follows:
20-22 S4's 575 watts - 36 degrees
16 6" 500 watt altman fresnels
4 8" 1000 watt Colortran fresnels (er...)
20 500/100 watt Floods (not sure of brand, pretty generic though)
3 700 watt lekolite's
11 3" 500 watt bambino fresnels
1 mirror ball
2 pinspots
96 ETC Sensor dimmers (1 rack)
ETC Express 72/144
Re: De B ee

I finally have some good photos from the tour I am out with this summer!



Re: ...share pictures of our shows

Here's a little show I worked recently, lest anyone think moles are passe.
Re: De B ee

I finally have some good photos from the tour I am out with this summer!

What company are you with or how did you get this tour if you don't mind me asking. Looks good by the way!
Re: De B ee

What company are you with or how did you get this tour if you don't mind me asking. Looks good by the way!
I got the tour with a combination of two things:
1. I knew the designer and had a few other contacts with that company
2. I had a useful skill which made it worth while to take me out on the tour
Re: De B ee

I got the tour with a combination of two things:
1. I knew the designer and had a few other contacts with that company
2. I had a useful skill which made it worth while to take me out on the tour

Oh okay cool, I just saw you're in Nashville any chance this was Bandit? and +1 for special skills haha, what would that have been on this specific tour?
Here are some pics of what my friend and I have been doing as of late:


An here are some crappy iphone pics:





I'm still working on getting this tage set up, it currently has 4 Martin SCXs, 6 cheap led fixtures, 6x 16 pixel led tubes, some pars, and I plan to add in 30 color kinetics iColor Coves if the facilities staff ever decides to not kick me out.


Here are some old pics from the high school stage:




PadawanGeek is our resident 14 year-old (well, he used to be 14:!:) Maxxyz operator.
Haha, 15 now ;)

Anyways, yes its a Maxxyz with a wing and then a maxedia compact for the screens and all of the leds. The second set of pics were ran off a maxxyz pc

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