Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

Ok so it's not a show I built or designed. I just thought I'd share a photo taken from the roof of our theatre during the March 5 2005 mini-eruption of Mt. St. Hellens. I just happened to run across a cd full of pictures of the event and thought somebody might enjoy seeing them. I'm lousy with the editing and sizing down of phots so I hope this comes out ok. The original picture was a couple of Megs.
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Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

drawstuff, two things: 1) where are you located? that set looks identical to a version I saw at UNCG (University of North Carolina- Greensboro)
Also, suggestion: on your website, post a lower quality version of the pics. I was downloading off your site at around 900kb/s and it still took a while to load. If I had a slower connection I would have waited an awfuly long time.

Nice pics though, did a great job with it!
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

You thought right! We actually rented that set (pain in the butt, btw) bc UNCG sold the set to a rental company. Of course, as with anything like that, the set was a modest bit larger than expected. It looked nice, though.

We took down the borders and exposed the electrics and battens to gain extra height for those huge trees. It was frustrating at times just bc there was always some lack of info, and not having an active set designer. But yes, you're right. Exact same set.

As for the photos, yes. I was kind of hurrying to get those pics up for some folks to see, so I'm in the process of making lower quality ones just for a faster load.

Thanks for having a look, though. During our first tech rehearsal, I lost almost 200 cues for the whole show bc of our board. This is the result of working to get something close to my original - so there were changes made after this but w/e.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

During our first tech rehearsal, I lost almost 200 cues for the whole show bc of our board. This is the result of working to get something close to my original - so there were changes made after this but w/e.

That's why you back things up on disks! I've fallen prey to lost cues before - it's not fun.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

Ah yes. Funny thing is that is EXACTLY what I was doing and trying to prevent when it deleted everything. It was formatting the disk, saving it, then conked out and started "loading what was on the disk" onto the board (which was nothing) and erased everything. I hate old 6 year old Strand boards.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

Im a back up fiend. When im working on a critical show i will have up to 7 back up disks. I cycle through them every 20 mins so i have up to 140 min of back up.

So at any time if i want to go back and hour i can.

Thats my system.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

Drawstuf.....I saw your show last night. Good show. I was surprised to see you on here. Congrats and I am sure that the reviews will be great. Everyone should take a minute to look at his pic's, they are great.....especially for a 17 y/o LD in a community theater.

I just finished the LD and ME rolls for BareBones group's "Mr. Marmalade" at the Duke Power theatre down town, I'll post a pic or two when they I get them.

Again, great job, very impressive.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

Wow, that's a neat coincidence. I hope none of the run crew messed me stuff up ;)

Thanks for the comment! I'd like to see your stuff in Duke Power; its an interesting space down there.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

Mr. Marmalade is a very good show, and I think that it will grow in popularity over the next couple of years. Due to the content, it will probably have a limited appeal to venues that are more conservative, but the show is very good.

It is also one of those shows that tech can really stand out. The director hired me for the Lighting Designer position over others because I have a great deal of experience with "Rock Concert" type lighting and that is the look they were going for. For those who have not seen the show, the lead is a 4 year old girl played by an adult who has imaginary friends come to see her. They are abusive drug addicts addicted to porn... So when her imaginary friends are on stage, the stage becomes the make believe word of a 4 year old. I got a chance to use deep reds and blues, purples and pinks, and even a rich green. The play changes from dark and dreary to bright and colorful and back in a 2 minute span...... the perfect place for a LD to really get creative. We used a bubble machine, a star ball (like a mirror ball), lots of gobos, and other fun toys that rarely get used in the theater.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

This is our set for "Cats." We wanted to be very unique when it came to scenic design, so we recreated the junkyard from scratch.

Our show will be from March 7-10. I'll be happy to post more pictures of the costumes and makeup (which is EXTRAORDINARILY great) when the show is over. The backdrop wasn't in yet, but it's coming in this Friday so I'll post a picture of the entire set with the backdrop later this week.


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Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

len, you might want to consider making the smaller pictures so that they show the larger one when you click on them. Other than that, looks great!
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Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

Unfortunately, the web host I'm using is pretty basic (and pretty cheap) so thumbnails, etc., aren't really possible. And they don't space out evenly because of the text in between.
Re: Hey i thought we could share pic of our shows

all depends on the show. we usully use out whole inventory of 100ish ellipsodials, 75 or so fresnels 10 3 strip cycs, and out 8 robotics.. 4 elation powerspot 575 and 4 powerwashs 250si added some new pics of some shows this year just now

i miscounted. we have 40ish elipsodials dont know what i was thinkin
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