Loft Well Color


Well-Known Member
I wanted to get peoples thoughts on the color of loft wells. Do you find it beneficial to have these a different color from the rest of the gridiron? Also, have any of you had experience with line set numbers labeled on each loft well across the stage so it’s easier to understand which line set your next to?

I ask because I was recently in a venue that had this in their over stage grid and I thought it was great!!!! Also, I forgot to take photos.
I agree with the above author on most of his points. Specially, I prefer a light gray espcially on the non-audience surfaces of catwalks floors and walls. These tend to be dark dismal spaces with poor task lighting to begin with. Throw in a lack of maintence and eveyone is forced to wear head light lamps and carry his own canary.
I've never seen loft wells colored differently, but it sounds like a good idea .

I've seen grids painted yellow and loved it, but the contrast would be good for places your foot shouldnt be. The grid shouldn't be in sight lines, there's no need for it to be black.

Re: labelling, yes. Either every set, or every 5 sets. Makes it handy to orient yourself when something is moving or when something needs to be kicked.

I also like foot marks US/DS and off center, for the same reasons.
I know OSHA likes yellow as it absolutely is a hazard.

And I’ve seen LS number stickers on each loft block so as they get kicked they are still numbered.

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