Strand Palette VL question

Hi guys,
I keep staring at this so I figured i'd ask it,
Within the looks their is Sub Page 5, which contains looks that are linked to your fadders. You then can create other Sub pages containing, looks however they have virtual fadders, not linked to the fadders.
Now, heres the stupid question, can you assign a different sub group, to the fadders to give you more than 64 fadder control looks, or change it in a hardware setting, to change fadder layout within the same show file.
I know it seems like a dumb question, but it seems so obvious that the fadders are really controller to the looks page, you would think you should be able to switch it, to allow you more control over those looks depending on which sub page your on.
For us, we tend to do allot of cue and look building and rebuilding based on looks, and it would be nice, to have the main looks page copied, but as exclusive, so that if we need to rebuild a cue or look and take something, like reds of lx1 for example, we can hold alt or shift or what ever which turns turn the looks to exclusive, grab the looks fadder that contains the red for LX1 slide it down which takes out the reds, release the shift or alt, and re-record the cue or look.
I apologize for the stupid question, I keep starring at the Sub page 5 in the looks pages and keep asking myself if the console itself is only a controller for the software, you would think they would have those sorts of things programmed into the software.
Would be very handy
Any of the look pages that you add can be controlled by the sub faders. If you press the look button the m keys will populate with the look pages, select the look page you want and that look page will be loaded in the looks. You can also select them from the sub box at the top left of the screen, just click on the arrow and a list of available sub pages will come up. You should be able to rebuild the cue and update it with changes.


  • sub.bmp
    960.1 KB · Views: 365
Sorry for the stupid question, I can`t believe I missed that, I just started to use the Palette so its taking me a bit to get comfortable with it, so I I tend to overlook things that are directly in front of me, LOL Now I will just have to see if I can program a macro script to make it easy when switching between a look page and exclusive sub page, so I can remove lights out of a specific look, instead of rebuilding the cue from scratch. You can go through the look button, but to take it even further I am hoping to assign an exclusive look page to one of the M keys for even quicker access, being able to switch and in and out of exclusive looks.
Again sorry for the question, You gave me some things to think about,

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