4Wall/Stage1 dispute

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4Wall Granted Writ of Possession in Rental Equipment Dispute with Mark Triebwasser and Stage 1, Inc. of Folsom, CA

Sacramento, CA – A federal judge in Sacramento has granted 4Wall’s motion for a writ of possession in an equipment rental dispute with Mark Triebwasser and Stage 1, Inc. of Folsom, CA.

4Wall sued Triebwasser and Stage 1 after they stopped paying for, and refused to return, equipment provided by 4Wall under a rent-to-own agreement. 4Wall rented the equipment to Triebwasser and Stage 1 in 2011. 4Wall filed its motion seeking a writ of possession in December of 2012, eight months after Triebwasser and Stage 1 stopped making payments as required by the parties’ agreement. In ordering the writ of possession, the court concluded that Triebwasser and Stage 1 had “been in default [of the parties’ rent-to-own agreement] for a significant period of time.” The Court noted that before filing its motion, 4Wall had attempted to compromise with Triebwasser and Stage 1 by twice agreeing to amend the payment schedule.

On April 23, 4Wall, accompanied by the U.S. Marshals Service, attempted to seize the equipment by levying on the writ of possession, although the equipment was not found at Triebwasser and Stage 1’s place of business. To date, Triebwasser and Stage 1 have refused to reveal the location of the equipment, and 4Wall has yet to recover it. The equipment rented to Triebwasser and Stage 1 remains subject to the writ of possession.

4Wall is offering a reward to be shared amongst the person or persons who provides information actually resulting in recovery of the equipment. If you have any information, you are encouraged to contact Kathy Torjman via email at [email protected], or via phone at 702-263-3858.

Found here.
A settlement has been reached between 4Wall Entertainment and 1Stage, Inc. Due to the confidentiality portion of the settlement, neither party can make a statement about the settlement. This thread is being closed as no new information can be added about the lawsuit now that it has been settled.
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