Anyone using oscRFR from Alienstagecraft?


New Member
Curious if anyone here is using oscRFR from

We have the iRFR in the theatre. It works reasonably well for what we do. Haven't really played much with touch osc.

Is anyone here using it? Is it worth the extra $50 for another remote?
I purchased it about 3 weeks ago for my iPad Air (so large screen)

Great tool and worth it if you have movers ($45) and as thought, I would purchase this app instead of the iRFR app at this point.

The Focus page allows really fine control of pan, tilt and assorted beam attributes such as edge/focus. Then and on the same page you can access all your direct selects, so can readily update any palette. Want to call up color palettes ?, everything is right there.

That's just a HUGE improvement over the iRFR app as well as the RRFR, that if I know I need to get up on stage and make adjustments, I use this app.

As well, it's essentially most of the Eos face panel on your tablet, so everything is just so much easier, cueing, playbacks, recording, etc... when you need remote control.

As well, it set up in about a minute if you have an existing lighting WiFi access point or router. It was as easy as turning on the OSC strings in the desk setup as well as in shell/settings, then finding the router on the tablet and a quick app configuration. Easy pleasy.

Attached is a screen shot of the main page. I am not connected so cannot show more, but the website shows more.


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ETC Labs also as an OSC layout for TouchOSC. Ive been using that since the TouchOSC app only costs 4.99. There are some downsides to the ETC one, but if you have some desire to learn how OSC functions it isnt that difficult to add in the two missing buttons.
As added note, it works better on a tablet then a phone as a coworker tells me. He uses an iPhone 6
Can the app record cues?
Can the app record cues?

Yes. If you look at my photo or go to the website, you'll see the layout. It replicates an Eos facepanel (for the most part) and has record, record only and update buttons, as well as all the targets for record - Cue, Sub, Group, Preset and Palettes. On the Focus page with the 4 encoders, this repeats for recording, only you get a set of selectable tabs for groups, presets and all palettes, so you move/adjust a fixture, select Update and press the named tab of whatever palette/preset you want to update, so no need to remember the number of that focus palette that is just DR of DC, etc... Very helpful and fast.

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