Cyc Punched


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Fight Leukemia
So dance client is in for the week and one of their hip hop instructors decided to punch the cyc because (as he told my SM after she went to tell him to get the &$^# off the stage) "he'd never done that before."

The client is a great company and we do a lot of business with them and there was a collective gasp from the other instructors and owner when he did it, needless to say they were mortified.

There is no mark, but there is now a noticeable divot where Mr. Hip Hop nailed it. I've seen similar bumps before from accidental impacts, but they seem to pull out. I'm just wondering if there's something special I should do to ensure it goes away. I was thinking maybe light steam? But I was also thinking that it might just be best left alone.
I also just thought I had to share, I've dealt with countless kiddos that seem inexorably drawn to touching the drop, but this is the first time I've had an adult touch it, let alone punch it!

I also put this in this area since it's kinda a facility management issue? If you all want to move it to scenery then that's cool.
[Moving thread to Scenery. It could go either way, but I'd like to keep SM&FO clear for topics that definitely don't fit anywhere else.]

First, because it's important (only) to @BillConnerASTC , cyclorama or sky drop?

Don't do anything except hope that the "divot" removes itself, which it likely will. If after a week it's still there, a Jiffy steamer would work, once first tested on an offstage edge. The last thing one wants is the flame retardant to leach out of the fabric and create a white salty residue.
I had similar this weekend. Dancer kid fell into the same spot both nights of their show. Catching herself with it. Each night I flew it out so the bottom was at my chest and just stretched it back down the pipe on either side of the divot. Only moved it about a half inch total either way but it was enough to pull it tight. Left about a fist sized divot rather than a body sized divot and a couple of days later hanging off the ground it's back to normal.
Sorry Bill! Sky/Infinity drop! I remember that thread. We inevitably have people hit or bump the drop, it's part of being a rental house. This was the first time anyone has willfully molested it though. The rest of their company was more upset than I was, he didn't know any better (despite the fact that he should have) and from the sounds of it no permenant harm will be done.

I do still have our old sky drop in storage that had scorch marks from our high bay lights. I should fly that tomorrow and paint a big black mark on it and see what happens :twisted:
I avoided using any term in my post. Like the new baby called it or baby, this stranger in your home.

I would think light steaming would remove a divot, but just plain water might also and safer. Use some distilled water if worried about spotting or stains. you just want it to"shrink" a little - like muslin on old fashioned flats. I'm impatient so would probably wet with a spray bottle - probably both sides - and take a hair dryer to it - low not hot. At least twice the diameter of the divot.

Keep the spray bottle around for the perp after.

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