Dimmable LED lights and EDI Dimming Controls


Hello All,
I have a customer who has an EDI MKVII dimmer cabinet and received a handful of replacement dimmable LED lamps. The lamps are GE LED12DP3LS827/35 PAR 30L style lamps. He got them to replace some incandescent bulbs on a small stage. He tried replacing the exisiting lamps with these but could not get them to light. They are dimmable LED lamps that screw into the exisiting base in the lamp fixture. Do these require an LED driver to function or is there something else that I'm not seeing here?

Thanks to all for your help!
Compatablity between dimmable LEDs and specific dimmers is problematic. Only trial and flicker will tell you if they will work. The results are rarely up to theatrical standards though so be prepared.

I would suggest that he try putting one incandescent on each dimmer. Some LEDs want a trickle through current, some dimmers want a minimum load. Some work with only a certain number of lamps on the dimmer. Having one known good lamp will also confirm that the controls are working properly and that dimmer is turning up and down.

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