Dimmer for architectural LED fixtures?

I can't explain marketing decisions either, but there is some sense to not labeling the same product for different lines.

Glare is defined by cut off and I suspect these do not cut off much at all - like light coming out sideways. When using quartz, we'd look for a 30 degree cut off max - which means more the 30 degrees from the vertical and you couldn't see the source or reflector.

I understand the change was for the better, not to be the best, but with a little planning you could have probably gotten LED troffers that dimmed for very little additional cost, especially compared to retrofitting with something like the light pack.

Many - maybe most - LED troffers include the driver with 0-10 inputs but I'll warn you the low end performance varies and many do not fully cut off unless they have a relay in them just for low end cut off. Plenty of DMX to 0-10 analog devices available if you are so lucky and not expensive.
I understand the change was for the better, not to be the best, but with a little planning you could have probably gotten LED troffers that dimmed for very little additional cost, especially compared to retrofitting with something like the light pack.
For the record, it would be "they", not "you". I am not affiliated with the venue other than being a client. I'll report back the fixture model if/when I get it.

Thanks for the replies.

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