DIY Star Drop and/or fiber optics?!?!?!?!


Active Member
Hey everyone,

So I'm trying to do an effect that creates a bunch of stars around the theater.
OPTIMISTICALLY, I'd like it to be something like 2:58 of this video:

DHS/MGM Tower of Terror - YouTube (ignore the random window breaking)

Essentially you see nothing out of the ordinary on stage and then lose all light and a lot of stars appear out of no where (In the house or on the proscenium as well).

Now my understanding of this effect (and I could be totally wrong) is that it uses a lot of fiber-optics in the walls and such. The problem is, that fiber optics are really expensive! Does anyone have any cool ideas of how to DIY this effect, or do it on the CHEAP, seeing as we have a budget of about $0.00 for this show. I'd appreciate any input on this! :)

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This can be done in many ways. If you want to do it cheap it depends on how much you want too compromise, what you've got lying around, what you can borrow, and you knowledge in electronics/optics/engineering.

Use what you've got around, if you got mirror balls and can live with that it is a reflection do that.

If you are at an College with a Physics/Engineering department you might be able to lend some fiber cable. It takes some know-how to get it right though.

If you've got laser(blue or white preferd) use that. If you only got one that is just the laser and no scanner, you could with some precision optics split it. This is not cheap unless you've got it/ or are at School that got.

You could buy as many white leds as you could afford and work your way from there.
You could use X-mas lights. Paint the cable to match the ceiling, walls, etc. It's pretty doubtful the audience will notice x-mas lights hanging as long as they are off. People are very oblivious to their surroundings most of the time.
You could get some invisible clear UV paint, and either apply directly to the walls or on some sort of stick on, use UV light to bring up the effect


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