Help choosing peach gel

Hey Everyone. Our school is doing James & The Giant Peach this year and I'm looking for a brilliant peach gel to backlight our cyclorama. We'll probably be buying a lot of it so I'm leaning towards something close to bastard amber so the positives are 2 fold, since it also accentuates skin tones. Here is what I'm looking at... any suggestions?

-Apollo Peach Amber #7700
-Rosco Bastard Amber (one of the variations, perhaps dark)
-Roscolux Mayan Sun #318

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What color is the rest of the set? What color are the costumes? What is the average skin color on the stage? What is the cyc representing?
The set is bare and minimalistic. For most of the play, the only thing on stage will be the massive peach and a cutaway background at the base of the cyc (like some cutaway waves for an ocean or a city skyline) Most of the play is cheery and happy so the cyc is supposed to convey a sunny, beautiful day. The average skin color is quite light, quite fair. I haven't seen the costumes just yet, but I would guess they'll be pretty wild. The colors will probably be all over the chart.
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If you're choosing the colour to accentuate skin tones, I'm not sure you're going to get a whole lot of the cyc's reflected light on skin that the audience will actually see (unless you're talking about reusing the gel afterwards as a frontlight colour). For the 20 bucks it will cost you to put a brand new colour in your strips, I would recommend choosing the colour that fulfills a single criteria -- working for the show you're working on. You might appreciate that you can go more saturated when that is your only criteria.
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If you're choosing the colour to accentuate skins tones, I'm not sure you're going to get a whole lot of the cyc's reflected light on skin that the audience will actually see (unless you're talking about reusing the gel afterwards as a frontlight colour).

Ya beat me too it. Choose cyc color for the cyc, skin tone color for lights acutally pointed at actors. What bounce from the cyc you do get will be hittin the back sides of the actors so it won't help with skin tones.

Be careful with amber on a has a tendency to want to jump out past actors. I'm not saying don't use it just be careful.
I'm concerned about the cyc, mainly. I'm trying to choose the best gel that'll give me a saturated, brilliant, and over the top sorta look. I just mentioned that if the amber would work, I would get that so that I could reuse it (as long as it would still satisfy the main requirements). Either way, that's not important. I'm really only concerned with the cyc at this point.

Is the peach also.... peached colored? If thats the case.... same color cyc as the scenery equals flat stage.

You might want to look into adding texture to the cyc with gobos and such. If you have the fixtures, using individual fixtures with varied amounts of focus and distribution can give a different look to a cyc.
Good point Footer, the textured cyc would have a better chance of having character of its own, rather than becoming flat and lost.
What type of complimentary sidelight are you thinking, Schaef?
schaef2493, I've always liked Lee147 Apricot. I know apricots don't taste anything like peaches, but let's not get hung up on names. ("How can you have a red Cobalt?") If you really want to be unimaginative, there's GAM #320.:)

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