Hi from Western Massachusetts


I've been lurking for the past couple weeks, and figured I might as well join up.
A little about myself, My Junior year in HS, I got sucked into helping backstage with a show the advanced drama class was putting on (they competed at the state level). Had a lot of fun, and joined the tech crew for real for the spring trimester. My senior year I did tech crew the entire year, and found out I was a natural tech person, and got my nickname as the "tech god" of the school.
In college, I quickly joined the theatre club helping in anything and everything backstage. I ended up being the tech director for 2.5 years and spent waaayyyy to much time at the theatre.
Fast forward a few years, I end up as a High School Math Teacher at an inner city High School. Somehow the word gets to the drama teacher that I knew how to build stuff, and she asks me to help with the first real performance the school had done in years, "Little Shop of Horrors". I end up getting sucked back in... and I guess am now the unofficial Tech Director here.

I'm in no ways a professional theatre person. Much of what we did in H.S. and college was slapped together with low budgets and lots of creativity. I'm sorta like MacGyver and can half-ass all sorts of things. Most of my experience lighting was with old analog boards and old fixtures. I've had little formal training (limited to what the HS tech director and director passed on), mostly learning as I go.... Currently trying to figure out whats up with the dimmer setup here at the high school, its a Strand CD80 Supervisor, I'm decent with computers, but know almost nothing about digitally controlling lights, and no-one else in the building has any clue at all.

Oh, I can't act my way out of a paper bag, so that pretty much sums up why I do any and all backstage. But theatre people are also a unique crowd, weird, but fun! I'm glad I found my way back to a stage (errr backstage? ;))
Welcome! Thanks for taking the time to register and introduce yourself. Enjoy CB!


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