Lee filter: alternative/similar color chart


I'm searching for a comparison chart for the entire Lee filter catalog, which indicates which colors are close to each other. Can somebody give me a hint? I know the existence of an iPhone app (Gel Swatch Library), but I'm looking for a pdf or excel sheet to consult on a laptop or smartphone.

Hey dmuser, Welcome to the forums!

I don't know that last time the chart was updated, but derekleffew keeps a good gel conversion document at his site.

I'm searching for a comparison chart for the entire Lee filter catalog, which indicates which colors are close to each other. Can somebody give me a hint? I know the existence of an iPhone app (Gel Swatch Library), but I'm looking for a pdf or excel sheet to consult on a laptop or smartphone.


I believe that Lee actually prints a poster that is a conversion chart, I actually think I have one. It may be worth sending them an email and seeing if they could send you the file. Also, Apollo has a little slider card that converts many Rosco, Gam and Lee colors to Apollo, but it could be used to convert between any of the four. I am sure that if you write or call them or maybe even ask your local dealer, that shouldn't be hard to get.

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