Wireless Looking for a way to feed audio to a lighting booth

Now my full reply...

Is it that bad to have a TEMPORARY cable, just for the length of the show? Even if you have to wind it up in between shows? I do this with our camera recording feeds all the time.

It doesn't have to stay there 365 days a year, just two weeks while the show is going on?

Otherwise, the only wireless way I'd like to go is point to point wireless. Get the right stuff and you don't deal with batteries.
I think we discussed this a while ago on here, but I'm too lazy to go get the thread now. maybe somebody else can...
I've been told I had to provide it when I went to a different school and put on a show.

We have a full ALS with 12 headsets, a reciever, and all 9 years, but it's stored on the top shelf in the booth. It's up there because no one ever uses it, but it's trivial to set up if someone does want it. It's also incredibly staticy, which is another reason no one ever uses it.
Yeah, I'm sure maintenance/custodians will just love that...
Not to mention it could be illegal...

Well ye, you would have to look into it but tbh i dont think it is illegal to drill a hole in a wall or celing (or floor). And tbh if maintenance/custodians find it so hard to drill a hole in the celing is to hard to do then there not very good at there job, all u need to do if use a ... (cant remember the name of the product right now, its used to find live wires) make sure you dont hit a live wire and drill, then you put a long stick down the hole atach a wire to it and pull the wire back up, then solder the conector to it (or what ever type of wire you are going to use). Qquite simple and easy.
Sorry, I forgot to elaborate. There is a balcony in between the two booths, with the lighting booth a floor above the back of the balcony and accessed via a stairwell outside of the theater. We could run a cable up the wall of the auditorium, but I know the school wouldn't like that.
As for ADA stuff, I really have no idea, and shouldn't really have said anything about it without doing some research. The Auditorium is at least 50 years old, and until this year we were running a snake up the aisle to the stage. We finally had some sort of conduit installed on the ceiling of the cafeteria below the auditorium. We are now going through some small upgrades, and I will definitely bring up the ALS, and might be able to secure a tuner and some fm radios or something (then I might have to deal with the fcc as well -joke) We might be getting a computer for sound cues, but it will most likely not be networked, and I know the lighting pc isn't either. We could bring laptops and do some sort of ad-hoc network to send a signal. The booths are on different circuits, but maybe some powerline networking stuff isnt out of the question. Thanks for your sugestions so far, I will look into them.
Ah ok. So ur only option is to use wireless. Ok, maby you could use an extermal antena out side the lighting booth, this will get over the problem of the lead lined walls, and hopfully the sound booth isnt lead lined or this wont work, you canot get external antenas for transmiter can you?

So you would just use a tranmitor conected to the mixxer to send a signle to the externall antena that is on the outside of the lighting booth and run a wire into the lighting booth to the reseverthat is conected to a amp/speaker/monitorying what ever you are going to use.

(sorry just reolised i missed the a in lead)
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Is there perhaps a telephone in the light booth? If there is and an extra pair of wires in in the cable running to it, maybe the extra pair could be used for a line level feed and a small amplified speaker put in the booth. Even better if a phone is at the sound booth. Just follow the phone lines back to the phone switch, cross connect the extra pair of wires in each (light & sound) phone line. Now connect a line level feed from the board to the extra pair at the sound phone line, preferably through a transformer. In the light booth connect the extra pair to the amplified speaker.

Just another idea....
Thank you for all of you suggestions. I will look at what we have on wednesday and keep you updated.
I'm sorry, but can anyone else even begin to read AlexD's posts? He might have useful input, but I cannot bring myself to try to comprehend what he is trying to say.

Ikevis: It seems as though the only reason you can't run a wire is because it looks bad, is this correct? You may just have to do with it, it's only one wire. Otherwise I would try sending it over intercom or using an in ear monitor.

Good luck!
Yea. I might just string up the wire for now, and hopefully the people in charge will see it, say how ugly it is, then fund a better way to do it. I was also thinking that if I do secure an ALS, I could use those to feed the lighing boot.

I did understand AlexD. I know nothing about antennas, modulators, boosters and such, so that would be quite and expensive challenge.
I did understand AlexD. I know nothing about antennas, modulators, boosters and such, so that would be quite and expensive challenge.

yes that would be an exspensive root to go.

I know you just said that you dont know much about antennas but i thought i would just say this as i thought i just had. Could you take apart a recever annd disconect the antena, then extend the wire that conects the antenna. Then somehow mount the antenna out side where ever and run the extended wire through the wall and back to the conection point where the antena was. So you are basicly takeing the primery antenna and extending it out side the problem area. You would have to be rather good with electronics to do this though.

p.s I know and am sorry about, i know i do lots of spelling mistakes but i do try to corect them when i see them but there will be some witch i miss.
Well ye, you would have to look into it but tbh i dont think it is illegal to drill a hole in a wall or ceiling (or floor).
Ignoring the potential issues such as hitting reinforcing or conduit or plumbing or pre/post tensioned concrete tensioners when drilling, this also potentially gets into life safety issues such as fire ratings, how the penetration is sealed, etc. There is almost always a way to handle a penetration, it just may not be as simple as simply drilling a hole.
Could we please end the flame war? Well, I talked to the development guy at our school and he said he was already trying to get money for a way to do this, and he talked about putting 3 wireless speakers in, one in the booth, and 2 surround ones in the theater. I said I had talked to you guys, and was maybe thinking an ALS or com system is a better or more necessary purchase. He got an estimate of like $3000 for the 3 speakers, and me and another guy said we could do a lot more for less. What do you guys think? All of these ideas could solve my dilemma, but with different other benefits.

EDIT: let me just say that 2 more speakers wouldn't do whole lot in our space. They would help, as it is very long, but you can still hear fine in the back.
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I'd still try to get a intercom if I was you. That's something you should have anyway. It's something that you'll come across in most other theaters, so you should get used to using them in high school if at all possible.
Could we please end the flame war? Well, I talked to the development guy at our school and he said he was already trying to get money for a way to do this, and he talked about putting 3 wireless speakers in, one in the booth, and 2 surround ones in the theater. I said I had talked to you guys, and was maybe thinking an ALS or com system is a better or more necessary purchase. He got an estimate of like $3000 for the 3 speakers, and me and another guy said we could do a lot more for less. What do you guys think? All of these ideas could solve my dilemma, but with different other benefits.

EDIT: let me just say that 2 more speakers wouldn't do whole lot in our space. They would help, as it is very long, but you can still hear fine in the back.

Sorry...missed this thread when i was deleting posts sorry

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