Control/Dimming MagicQ PC and Enttec Pro help!!

Hi this is my first thread - sorry for making it a cry for help!

I'm trying to run a show from my laptop for the first time, and I'm having real trouble getting the Enttec DMX USB Pro to speak to MagicQ.

The laptop is a MacBook running either OSX or Windows via Bootcamp.

The Enttec doesn't respond to OSX at all it seems. In Windows I can get output when using LightFactory, but no joy using MagicQ, which is where I built the show. I would really hate to have to rebuild everything whilst learning new software (LightFactory).

Given things work with LightFactory, I guess it isn't problem with drivers or the Enttec, but how the MagicQ is trying o talk to the Enttec.

Any help hugely appreciated. Tech Run is tonight ;)
Have you set this up in DMX settings?
Setup button > then third button aong on top , View DMX I/O and then if I recall correctly, select your universe from the spreadsheet and double click Out type and from the pop up select USB
Good luck!
Hi guys,

Thanks for the feedback. I had the output set to Enttec Pro, so I don't think it was that. I guess maybe it was a driver problem in the end? Either way, we ended up reprogramming the whole show into the theatre's JANDS (eugh), and we're running it from there.
I bought myself a ChamSys dongle instead, so hopefully we won't run into this problem again...

Thanks again!
Sorry you could not get in running for the show. I have an Enttec Pro and have run MagicQ from a Mac laptop on it, so not sure what went wrong in your case. Guess it must have been a driver issue as the Enttec boxes are really decent devices. Good luck with your future shows.

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