Multiple parameters in one channel on Hog 2


Active Member
I am trying to write a custom fixture library file for a led bar to Hog 2.

The led bar is of a brand I have not heard of before, monacor img stage line, rgbl-110 DMX. I can not find a manual on the internet, but I have a paper one infront of me.

I am trying to write a file for the simpler 4ch mode. Red, Green, Blue, Dimmer/Strobe/Full. However I do not know how get the last channel set up correctly since it is 2 different parameters.
0-127 Dimmer
128-227 Strobe, slow to fast
228-255 Max brightness strobe-off.

I would in the end like to have the dimmer on a fader and the color on the palette. Does anyone here have any clue of how too write this when it mixes intensity and NIP in the same channel?

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