Need Help Patching "Aurorae LED PAR 64 Pro RGB Can" Fixtures into MagicQ



I am new to MagicQ and DMX. I figured out how to patch moving heads(12 Technobeams) and make a simple show for now. However the 12 Aurorae LED PAR 64 Pro RGB Can's that I have, I cannot figure out how to patch and control them onto my existing setup of my 12 moving Technobeams which are on Channel 1 universe 1. Can anyone help me out please? I went to "Choose Dimmer" but it seems confusing because it does not list manufactures. By the way the fixture is this:

I don't know MagicQ but that LED fixture needs 6 channels per unit. Start them at whatever the first open address is. Assuming the technobeams need 15 channels per fixture (been a long time since I used them, either so I could be wrong) you could start the pars at about address 201, then 207, 213, etc. Or address them all the same. It depends on your needs. Channel 4 of the pars needs to be above dimmer value 16 before they will do anything.
There isn't currently a personality in the library which will work 'nicely' with your LED cans that you have.

I think the first thing to do would be to drop an e-mail to Chamsys (with the manual too) and get them to build a fixture profile for you. They'll also then be able to help you patch it and ensure you have control.

Their tech support is great - drop them a line!
Here you go, try this. 2 MagicQ personalities in a week, I'm on a roll.

Oh yeah, unzip it and put the .hed file in the folder Program Files (or Applications on a Mac)/MagicQ/Show/Heads


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