New Beginnings


Hello Everybody,
I am a student at the University of Windsor in Canada taking my very first Stage management class. I have always been involved in some aspect of perfomance, and art, and I have made it a personal goal to get an overall sensibility of how everything comes together, both in front and behind a performance.I am excited yet to become a part of this forum, and I am hoping to learn a lot from of the more experienced members, and have lively and informed discussions.
Welcome! Glad to have another person here from my neck of the woods here. I am in Michigan just across from Sombra Ontario, not far away from Windsor at all. Feel free to look around, check out the Wiki and Social Groups. Enjoy CB!

Howdy and welcome. I went to grad school in Detroit, MI, so I know the area a bit. I know on the Detroit side theatre has been growing. Glad to have you on here.

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