New flooring, getting shocked constantly


Benevolent Dictator
Senior Team
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Fight Leukemia
We put new fake tile flooring (not linoleum, but this dense mdf/cardboard backed stuff) a store we acquired, and now every time we touch a display cabinet (metal-rimmed) we get shocked. Never used to happen when we had carpeting. One additional thing to note is that the AC was broken, and we replaced that at the same time. I'm wondering if it's a combination of a lower humidity and the new flooring that is causing us to get shocked so often we could illuminate a light bulb just by holding it. Is there anything we can do to dissipate the static charge from the floor tiles?
...Is there anything we can do to dissipate the static charge from the floor tiles?
Yes, but you'd look funny all day wearing a Leko! The simplest answer is a portable humidifier. Or spray the floor with static guard (which I've just learned from this thread (where?) carries health concerns) every day.
some additional research has a recommended humidity of 35%, which is enough to make static electricity ground itself. We are going to look into an installed humidifier for the HVAC unit.
Generally, if you need to humidify, the building is leaky and weatherization would be a better long term goal. Tough if a tenant though.

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