No Balloons Allowed!!

I just hate glitter period - greeting cards and clothing are the biggest offenders. Glitter just rubs off the cards all over your fingers. My daughter has 3 pieces of laundry that I refuse to clean, because the glitter will just wash off onto every other item. (and no, it's not worth the extra 3 bucks to wash and dry separately)
Glitter on stage is an absolute no no. However, I don't mind glitter everywhere else. I guess we can be thankful that being shiny in the light is in style right now. :rolleyes: Pretty much after the first wash of my daughter's glittery shirts, most of it is gone anyway. I make sure not to wash my work clothes within a cycle of hers, but other than that it doesn't bother me that much. However, in the theater, it's like a disease that you can never get rid of.
I guess we can be thankful that being shiny in the light is in style right now. :rolleyes:

Hmm, I see what you did there...

I've got glitter on my floor right now from a costume that was painted with glitter paint, I'm not happy about it. But it's not that bad, just annoying to see the spec on the floor and you know you can't get it up easily. Next to glitter in my mind, is sand. I hate sand on stage, only did it once, but never again. It got into every crack, it would gust up, got into the carpeting; it was a mess.
I used sand (About 50 cu. ft.) several years ago in a blackbox-style show. We built a 2x4 retaining wall to keep it in the stage area, which was basically pointless. It didn't help that it had to be carried up (and back down) a fire escape to the third floor in five-gallon buckets. It got everywhere; in the carpet, in everyone's shoes, all over the third floor and then some. Never again.
Totally agree with sand. Geez, anything small and hard to sweep is just a nightmare.
Footers story made me choke for a few seconds, bad memories of dance competitions....

I did an event at a bar once from a "beer co party cruise" I got to the venue expecting an easy day, no one told me they were going to put 6" of sand everywhere in the bar. My "six stage hands" ended up being 4 media interns that the whole event shared. It was a very long day.

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