Presonus StudioLive CS18AI


Well-Known Member
I came across the above mixer in a school, with digital stagebox on stage. The problem I had was that the preamp knob and HPF knob were non-functional. From the touch screen you can enter a mode by which the knobs across the top all become channel gain knobs, but even then the first few channels were non-functional. I'm least familiar with Presonus, but I can't figure out why these functions weren't working. I searched online and the manual, any idea what I'm missing?
I've never hand my hands on a Presonus, but that sounds broken. Maybe a ribbon cable unplugged for a section of the panel, or a damaged circuit board. Any signs of physical damage?
My guess is that the inputs are switched to "digital".
Our 24 channel PreSonus can look inoperable when the inputs are set to the "digital" mode where they want a signal from the computer.
This is very useful if you record the rehearsal on the computer and then can play it back through the board without having the talent present.
No signs of any physical damage, but loose ribbon cable or similar seems very possible.
I went through each input and verified it is set to analog, is there still a setting that would disable only those two knobs? I’m still able to put eq,compression, etc on each channel.
I have not used our board with the remote input box connected by CAT cable.

Did this system work properly in the past?

Who around the facility has used this gear in the past? Might be helpful if asked.

This could be a good time to eMail PreSonus for some help.
I presume it worked when installed, but typical school - no one knows much about it. I tried calling Tech Support several times, but kept getting disconnected after a while. I advised them to have whoever is responsible either show them how to do it or have it evaluated/repaired.
If it is in a school environment, there is a responsible person for all of the auditorium assets. Even the Principal should be able to direct you to that responsible party.

In a volunteer environment, the two persons that are responsible for all of the problems are "I Don't Know" and of course "Not Me".

Please try contacting PreSonus by eMail as they are very interested in customer satisfaction.
Thanks, I'll try contacting them through email. I don't have any info on whether it was registered or through what email address, but worth a shot. At this point I just want to figure out if I'm missing something or there is a problem.
The controls you describe are also the volume controls for each monitor mix. Is it possible that you are in the monitor mix mode?
That would still provide all of the processing functions for each monitor mix.
Let us know what you finally find is the problem.
If it is in a school environment, there is a responsible person for all of the auditorium assets. Even the Principal should be able to direct you to that responsible party.

In a volunteer environment, the two persons that are responsible for all of the problems are "I Don't Know" and of course "Not Me".

Please try contacting PreSonus by eMail as they are very interested in customer satisfaction.

What (lucky) world do you live in?
Hello Yert33,

I was head of the AV department for an entire school district. Constructed and operated a broadcast quality television system. Serviced the TV, 16mm and other AV equipment for a 7 school K-12 school district.

If there is no accountability in the school you are working with, please do yourself a favor and walk away while you can.

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