Recuperating strategies

Finish up your show, tidy together your paperwork, and close down the shop. You don't want any loose ends to distract you while you're trying to relax.

Then, make sure you get at least one day for you and only you. Don't do laundry, don't go grocery shopping, don't catch up on your e-mail. Do only what YOU like to do. Game until your eyes bleed. Sleep. Sit in your underpants and watch Spongebob and drink beer. Be totally selfish. Don't deal with anyone you don't want to unless they're holding a pizza. You have to have that ONE day of total relaxation and enjoyment that focuses only on you; otherwise, it's very easy to let stress and resentment sour life.

Only then would I suggest doing laundry, washing dishes, making a giant pot of chili, and preparing to batten down the hatches for the next run.

Best of luck!
I hate playing any FPS on a console except for Halo
YAY HALO 3!!!!:grin:

Sadly, as soon as I finish a show, I have to either work on a school project or I am back in school. On the rare occasion that I have time off, I start my workout routine again and I just do whatever I want for a few days. (within reason:twisted:)
I'd tell you but you might be a child predator or worse a catholic priest.:twisted:

So, you are concerned on the effect of Holy Water? Been burned by it in the past? Demons to be exorcised?
This is me being jealous.

To help you along with that, here are some pics from the last tramping trip I did - the Greenstone-Caples track in the south of the South Island....

The view from our lunch spot on the first day, about two hours from the hut:


This is from the top of the saddle which is the highest point of the track looking back down the Caples valley - we reached it at lunchtime on the second day....


This one is the top of the Greenstone valley, once we'd scrambled down the other side of the saddle....


And the confluence of the Caples and Greenstone rivers, about half an hour from the start/finish point of the track (it's a loop) - it's my little sister in the picture....

To help you along with that, here are some pics from the last tramping trip I did

As I look from the winter grossness of my window to your pictures, I TOTALLY picked the wrong place to settle down . . .
To help you along with that, here are some pics from the last tramping trip I did - the Greenstone-Caples track in the south of the South Island....

**** thats the way to relax... Someone remind me why im in Michigan...

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