Safety articles from Protocol


CB Mods
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Fight Leukemia
We have often mentioned reading the industry magazines for quality information. I have many of the print publications that I reference, but the online editions are a great resource in today's market. Here are three articles from the current issue of Protocol that I think all of us should use for our safety education. These links were provided by Beverly Inglesby, Editor of Protocol.

Note that the second article is by one of our members, [user]BillConnerASTC[/user]!

EDIT: If you are looking for the rest of the articles in this edition, you can always find it here.
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I love Protocol. Love it. Almost in an unhealthy way. Out of all the industry periodicals I subscribe to, Protocol is the one that gives me ideas, information, etc... to implement things at work that improve my environment and/or abilities.

Would not know what to do without it, can't believe many of my co-workers don't read it. But all y'all need to get on it and get signed up!

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