Set for Annie


hello, our high school is going to be doing the play Annie in a few months and i design and build all the set stuff. Right now i'm bouncing ideas around. I have only designed a few sets so far. so really any advice or ideas for this play would be great.
As you probably already know, there are about fifty ways to skin a cat.. or is that 50 ways to leave your lover... I think you would get better results if you bounced some of the ideas you have to us so that we can bounce back. Some questions:
What size and type is your venue?
Is this a one person build with some "help" or do you have more extensive resources?
What kind of resources do you have (i.e money, access to equipment, skill sets etc)

Look forward to bouncing back,

Community College Instructor, TD, Designer, and poisoned food tester
yea good idea. haha
well first off i would like to make it snow at some point or another. ive made some small models of snow cradles and what not. im thinking a snow bag is best, but i do not know the best material for this. the demo i have made is plastic, kind of loud when shaken or bounced.

the venue is high school. its a nice size place, newer theater, only a few years old. we have a stage craft thats newer as well. most tools we use are mine though. basic power tools and all.

i will be designing most of it, maybe some help on that from a friend. then building wise it will be mostly me. i have been told i will get more help on this set than the last one. but it will most likely be a group of 5 people. most unexperienced with any tools.

the budget is cheap. the director hasn't given me a full budget yet but i am expecting under 1k.

other ideas includes some sort of stairs for the warbucks mansion. they would have to be quite large, but they cant be that hard to move.

Sounds like this will be a fun one to work on. I had have it snow in a production of "A Christmas Story" we did some time ago. I researched the snow bag idea but it didn't work in our venue back then because it was more like a black box. What I did was to drill a bunch of holes in a large piece of black abs plastic pipe. On the ends I put caps with a bolt through that then attached to a homemade "yoke" I put a small motor on one of the bolts and so the tube could "tumble" snow out of the holes. We used potatoe flakes as I remember. ... actually the motor proved to load in this small space and so we opted for a manually operated verion to turn the tube with a series of bungy cords and rope.. a regular Rube Goldberg design.
Stairs could be put on lift jacks so that it can roll out, sit safely on the floor,lift up and roll off. There are some fairly simple designs for this which I am sure you will get a lot of repsonse from here. Some classic textbook solutions can be found in Gillette's text.

attached c-clamps to the ends of the yoke and hung it from a batten. The bungy did a single rap around the pipe to create friction, the ends of the bungy were connected to lengths of rope that ran through pulleys and off stage. To operate you would pull back and forth on the two lengths of rope to spin the pipe.
wow. that is quite inventive. i like it. i might have to try something like that. is there anywhere that would have pictures of that kind of set up?
Unfortunately no pics, We used to have a really funky space and had to create all sorts of aparatus. The snow solution got sprung on me quite late in the process and I had a day to come up with a solution. I could try to do a rough Cad drawing from memory.
i see i see. the only thing im really having any trouble imagining is how the bungee chords work
picture a flat type bungee (the older style with the 's' hooks on the end), now wrap it around the pipe twice so that you now hold each end in your hands and the bungee curls around the pipe. If you pull on the ends the bunge will tighten on the pipe... if you pull back on one side of the cord the other side naturally pulls in. If you then pull back on the other side...back and forth back and forth... repeat as necessary. Does this help?
yea i just went and did that after reading your explanation. Thank you very much. its very much a genius idea. and i plan on using that.:grin:

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