SLX1, SLX4 problems....


Hello everybody,

I have a SLX4 system with a slx2 and slx1 system.

The problem i have is:

Working with the SLX4 and SLX2 no problem, but with the SLX1 it won`t working.

When i turn on the slx2 and the slx1 (nothing happend) then i turn off the slx2....and then the slx1 is working fore a minute or two, and then the slx1 is offline (no ready light on the slx4).

Also is the infrared sync not working on the slx1.

All the three are in the same frequentie table (R5).

What is going wrong?

ps. i tried the slx1 on a another system (SLX4) and he`s working fine.

Quincie from Holland.

(i`m sorry for my bad english, i`m better in dutch, hahaha).

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