Video Examples of Good, Bad, & Ugly Designs


Hey all,

I've got some dark time coming up and was thinking of spending some time looking at some recent lighting designs that have happened in the industry.

Now I could spend hours and hours on Youtube looking up vague things like "Broadway Musicals" or "rock concert lighting" and get like 20 videos of sing along lyrics and 10 really terrible quality videos from a cell phone for every 1 decent quality video I get to see.

So I figured I'd ask you guys. Do you have any cool videos that you think show off some good design choices? Bad or Ugly design choices?

Let me know and of course leave a link!

Fair warning - this community is large enough that I could imagine someone getting upset when their design turns up in the 'ugly' category. I do think it is a good idea as a designer to experience the work of others, for better or worse. Definitely an interesting idea. Maybe we could modify it to a point where members can post their own designs. I don't know about anyone else, but I have definitely made some design choices that I wasn't exactly happy with in the end. Unfortunately, I don't keep photographic evidence of this.

We do already have a thread similar to this already, but they're all pictures that members are proud of. The first links I see are to Geocities, so I'm pretty sure there are some dead ends there.
I'd say the nature of entertainment lighting design is that it tends to look pretty terrible on video.
Unless a design is designed specifically for video/TV through a monitor of the camera (which most things that turn up on Youtube were not) then I'd say there's not alot of constructive analysis that could be done from videos as what you're seeing is not what the designer & audience were looking at.

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