Hey, I thought we could share pictures of our shows...

I have never liked in the in focus gobo with the prism look myself. But to each their own.


A lot of people use the prism to get a larger image. It's not the ideal look, but trying to cover a large area with only a couple of movers is difficult. I find it works better with more abstract imagry, and of course movement and color shifts are nice, too.
A lot of people use the prism to get a larger image. It's not the ideal look, but trying to cover a large area with only a couple of movers is difficult. I find it works better with more abstract imagry, and of course movement and color shifts are nice, too.

in haze, a ring shaped gobo in a prism with n/c is one of my favorite looks.
A lot of people use the prism to get a larger image. It's not the ideal look, but trying to cover a large area with only a couple of movers is difficult. I find it works better with more abstract imagry, and of course movement and color shifts are nice, too.

I know what they are trying to do, but to me it just looks cheesy. Now if you use an out of focus gobo from a distance to blend/cover with a wash, cool. But yeah, other than that it just looks cheesy.

Here are some pics from a production of mine of Titus Andronicus....


Ending sequence...


In the palace...


In the forest...


The rape...


Opening soliloquy...



Small blackbox... About 30-40 lights. Terrible angles. But a fun show! It was a challenge because of the proximity of the audience (the front row was literally sitting on the floor) and the fact that the actors were all over the place, on the floor, standing, standing on tables, I had to literally light the whole space. Not to mention very little scenery, so it was up to me to set place. It goes from forests, to two separate war camps, a palace, a tomb, and others. In addition it ran nightly in rep with A Winter's Tale.

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We have this series of shows called Alley Cabaret, and its basically a variety show. It normally has some sort of skit or a comedy act, then a band. It starts at midnight then goes for an hour. It takes place entirely on the stage. The platforms are sitting all the way off stage left, and the audience sits on stage, and off stage right.

Preshow. For some reason the director decided to put two cliplights in the back for even more backlight... totally screwing with my design...

During the show. I'm now up on the fly rail, which is where monitor world is. I realized about halfway through the first night, they had people sitting directly under the fire curtain... Yea the table set-up got changed, for the next night.

Another shot during the show. I took these pics with my iphone, I really wish I had my camera... You can kinda see the purple backlight, and then the red on the walls. If you look to the right of the platform, that wall has red on it also. Because of the weird angle I had to climb all the way up to the third catwalk (higher then the weight deck, and its too close to the roof to stand up) and hang it on a rail up there.

I can hit anywhere on stage with lights pretty easily, but its really hard to hit anything off stage... The director doesn't realize this and whats to move the stage to an even harder place to hit...

I think I may of fixed the links... But just in case... Picasa Web Albums - Will - AlleyCaberet2009 I cant figure out a good way to make Google Picasa images show up in forums...
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sorry Will, but your pictures arent showing up for me.

Anyone else?

EDIT: All good now
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Here are some pictures of Anatomy of Gray, which went up November 2008... I haven't
had a chance to upload.

June Muldoon, the girl on the left, gives the final monologue:


Do you think I'm pretty? Check this box for yes, and this box for no:


Tiny's Death:


Nighttime at the Graveyard:


Put physics to work, and the kidney stone will dislodge itself:

Hey Guys, been crazy busy the last few months with all the political stuff going on. Anyway, here are some shots of what I have been up to:


Spent the whole month of October going all over Pennsylvania for Sen. John McCain. Was a neat experience.


This is a shot of Inauguration Day Broadcast on Independence Mall in Philly. This was also fairly cool, literally lol.


This is a shot of DJ Jazzy Jeff performing at the Drexel Armory. This was really cool. He was a great guy to meet and talk with. Also let me bring out a bunch of toys :twisted:.

As for other stuff, there was a bunch of end of the year reviews for companies like Wyeth, then the Pfizer/Wyeth buy out, one of the last broadcasts President Bush did right here in Philly, and a bunch of other stuff I can't comment on, lol. Anyway, nice to be back.
It's about time I got some of my pics on here. Sorry for the bad quality, some were taken with a cell phone and some with a camera without a tripod. I designed these for my high school with the exception of the last two, which I designed for the community theatre I work at. Criticism is welcome and encouraged!




Stupid visors...ruining my light...

With a little projection action


My Favorite

Terrible focus...





Community Theatre Marrionettes

And Again...
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It's about time I got some of my pics on here. Sorry for the bad quality, some were taken with a cell phone and some with a camera without a tripod. I designed these for my high school with the exception of the last two, which I designed for the community theatre I work at. Criticism is welcome and encouraged!

You need to edit your photobucket links. You want to use the ones from the "IMG Code" box, not the "HTML Code box"

Your code should look like this:

To get this:

Anyone new to posting photos from photobucket could use this tip.
You need to edit your photobucket links. You want to use the ones from the "IMG Code" box, not the "HTML Code box"

Your code should look like this:

Anyone new to posting photos from photobucket could use this tip.

Ironically enough, I posted the links, realized they didn't work, and was in the process of fixing them while you posted this. You type fast!:grin:
Fashion show in 082796861929_205b1fc80e_o.jpg


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Here is production number five of our 2008-2009 season, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. For full cast and artistic staff listings as well as more photos please visit my website.


Juliet's "potion speech"


Mercutio vs. Tybalt


"Old hare whore"


The Capulet Ball


Traditional balcony shot

As always, comments, questions, and criticism are welcome. As mentioned above, please feel free to browse over to my site to see more photos of this show and others.
Hi all,

I recently designed lighting for some dances as part of a dance production. A few pics:





Also was an ASM for this production of The Odyssey. That was fun.



Assistant Lighting Designer for this version of As You Like It:




Here is a Disciple NOW (think Christian Concert/Worship/Revival all warpped up in one) I just finished.

The rig consisted of:
12@HES Color Commands
6@HES Trackspots
6@HES Studio Spot 250
4@HES Studio Color 250
8@MAC250 Krypton
4@12K PARcan Truss

Plus Source4's and Source4 PARs.










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Well, here are the pictures from our recently closed production of Musical Comedy Murders of 1940.







Bit of a pet peeve here - so I was talking to our campus "photographer" about pictures for the theatre, how flash was really unnecessary as it was washing out all the lighting effects. So what does he do? He uses three times as much flash as usual - he brings in two tripods with flashes on them plus the one on the camera! Ug.:evil:

So, yeah, that's why sometimes the lighting looks really cold or flat. It was my first time ever doing a modified McCandless system using a pale amber and a medium blue. I liked it a lot, and I thought it looked a lot better.
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Bit of a pet peeve here - so I was talking to our campus "photographer" about pictures for the theatre, how flash was really unnecessary as it was washing out all the lighting effects. So what does he do? He uses three times as much flash as usual - he brings in two tripods with flashes on them plus the one on the camera! Ug.:evil:

A short related story and aside - we were doing a dance show photo call with a "professional" photographer. We had previously had a lighting design student who was also a photographer for the campus newspaper and had a nice DSLR, and always took good pictures without additional lighting or flashes, other than bumping things up five or ten points during really dark cues. However, this was a brand new company photographer, and this was to be her first and last night taking pictures for us. She showed up and immediately started complaining that there wasn't enough light on stage to take the shots. So we bump everything up ten points. She still complains. Ten more points. Still complains. Then I hear over headset from the TD/LD: "Groups 1 thru 30 at FULL." We didn't hear another word out of her that night, and did our own photos during another rehearsal, which turned out many times better than her "professional" photos taken with a nice DSLR. Turns out most of her pictures were overexposed!!!

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