Aisle Lighting

We are looking to have new aisle lights put in our theatre this summer, but before doing so we want to make sure there aren't any special regulations or anything. Have any of you undertaken something like this? If so give me your opinions, ideas, wish you had done differents, and if there are any regulations that we need to be aware of. Thanks in advance.
There are code requirements for aisle lighting. The vary between normal and emergency conditions. What do you want to know?
Bill posts on page three of this thread describing some of the regulations

Earlier in the thread someone quotes the Australian regulations, but I'm sure Bill will be by later today to answer your questions. Seems to me like you just have to have the minimum amount of illumination whenever an audience is present, and that the lights have to have a power supply that will guarantee they kick on in an emergency situation. I personally didn't know about the emergency rule until we had a fire drill and I happened to notice that they kicked on. Good to know our system is working.
This is more than I can post from my phone while waiting to present at USITT. I will post basics but probably not for a day or so.

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