Antari HZ400 liquid level


Hi all,

I just set up and tested my new Antari HZ400 Hazer, but when filling the tank with liquid I couldn't see any change on the level meter. I only poured in about 1/3 of the gallon container, but seeing as there was no indication of level I stopped out of fear of overfilling.

Has anyone else had trouble reading the level on this or other Antari machines? Does anyone know the tank capacity? Or the amount of liquid used per second/minute? Any and all help would be appreciated as these questions aren't addressed in the manual.

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I have a designer friend looking at buying a 4200. My experience has been overwhelmingly negative with them, but he wanted some more views (in case my experience was the odd one), do you mind if I could get some contact information to put him in contact with you?
Did you mean a 400? Google doesn't find anything to do with an Antari 4200.

Feel free to PM me asking for my personal email, but I still haven't used the hazer in a show setting so I don't know how much I'll be able to say.

Anybody else have some light they can shed on the situation?
I just sent my demo of the HZ400 back and was incredibly disappointed in it. I didn't have any of the troubles you mentioned with the liquid level, but the output was very disappointing for my needs (and what I was expecting).
Thanks for the link coldnorth.

Since the capacity is 2.5 litres and I only put in about 1 litre I'm hoping the level indicator is just hard to read at low level.

I actually found the output to be relatively good on the HZ-400, but an adjustable-speed fan would be a huge help.

As an extra question, for those of you who rent facilities to low-budget groups, do you charge extra for use of a hazer or simply charge for the liquid they use or is the hazer/liquid included in the rental fee?


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