Anyone used Chameleon™ Scrim?

I'm considering purchasing a scrim for our theater and wanted to know if anyone has any experience with Chameleon™ scrim from Studio Productions, Inc. I'm looking to use it for reveals, for some effects projections, and in front of our cyc to darken it when unlit. Anything I should know about the material? Things to watch out for? Reasons not to buy? Any advice would be welcome.
I strongly suggest you ask/buy for a swatch before ordering this for use as a conventional scrim, which is what it sounds like you want. It IS NOT scrim in the traditional sense. It is a "formed" material in the same way that felt is a formed material. It is highly translucent but not transparent. I think it would work well for a projection surface but poorly for use in front of an un-lit cyc [see thread on terms as to just what is actually a cyc]{if someone who knows how to insert a link sees this, please do}.

EDIT: This discussion?
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Yes, I'm aware that it a spun-bonded material. The reason I am considering it is because of its light weight, the lack if need to stretch it, and its ability to travel. The coast is also a benefit.

I understand that it is not transparent and adds a halo effect to lighted objects behind it. I actually think that could be a useful effect, so I'm not concerned about that.

The company's website says it works or reveal effects, which is essentially what it would be doing in front of our sky drop (as you suspected, I'm sure, it is not a curved cyclorama -- but I'd just be happy if my director would stop calling it a scrim). I just wish I knew someone who had used it like that before.
I've used it several times - both with rear projection, front projection, scenes lit from behind, and reveals. I really like the stuff. Much more interesting look than traditional scrim, and much better for projection. My favorite is the medium grey, as it's dark enough to not stand out in a dark stage and light enough for legible projection. As far as reveals, I wouldn't say that it's better or worse than sharktooth. I guess slightly better, due to the glowy distortion it causes behind it, but really not that much different. Just use alot of light at a steep angle to make it nice and opaque.

The stuff does smell rather horrible though, haha.

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