Atomated fixtures and possibility of rain.


Hey all,

My dad is director of drifting up at Evergreen Speedway in Monroe, WA. Being that we are in the northwest we are doomed to always be in fear of rain. He wants me to create some type of lighting show for the season opener of the PRO/AM series up there and I was wondering if there are any automated fixtures that are rated for the rain. I know I am probably just being hopeful and I really hope it doesn't rain. if anyone knows something about this that'd be great.

There are several companies who made weather proof enclosures for movers. Highend made one, clay paky still makes one. There are a few rental shops that have them in inventory. Fine art makes some weather proof movers.
I know you've seen it, but here's the link to the Igloo product page.


PRG has it available, but I don't know the cost.
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You could just do the show with normal movers, and then not put them out if it looks like rain, or bag them till the show starts...
There are a couple of clear plastic inflatable weather covers available. Goofy looking, but they might do the job.

Might also be able to find or build a clear plexiglass box. Big thing is figuring out how to transfer heat out of the cover, so that the light doesn't cook itself.

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