Design Audio guy needs help with color


Active Member
Well I we had a mixup with our LD at work and he walked off, leaving me to pick up the lighting plot for a small concert that we're setting on Monday. I've been pecking away at it for about a week now and doing my best to work within the limited realm of our shops limited inventory and the clients budget. What this means is a entirely conventional plot, lots of PAR64's, but only a 100A 3ph drop from the venue for lighting.

So far I have done the best that I can to draw up a plot with my limited lighting experience, but I am having the hardest time coming up with what colors to use. I have an idea on the side light color (warm R02 & R08, cool R64 & R364), and the client has selected the colors to be used for the "cityscape" (cardboard silhouette behind the stage), but I am struggling with the colors for the back light.

The theme for the stage is a ocean dock, shipping crates ect, the event is a Christian rally with lectures and a rock band. There is a cardboard silhouette city at the back of the stage behind the drummer The video guys have requested a primarily white front wash for the lectures, and the band will rely on 1000W follow spots during their performance, but the rest has been left to us.

If anyone could look over my plot and give me a few suggestions I would much appreciate it.

I looked over your plot and paperwork and you should be set. The warm and cool side light might not be as effective as you hope, if you could get those fixtures in the air or more in front of the performers it would help. You might consider using the Lekos on the foh truss as your white wash and making those pars FOH color washes out there.
Pretty much everything Pie said. I agree, in a concert situation, those low-angle side washes probably aren't gonna help you out much. A few deep saturated front washes could be beneficial for the band. The followspots will be able to cut through the deep washes and pick out faces, while the saturated front washes will put something other than backlight on the stage. I'd also lamp them up to 1000 watts if available power will allow, as 500 watts through a saturated gel isn't gonna be able to cut through the rest of your rig.

A traditional three-color backlight system would be Red Blue Green, allowing you to mix the primaries for many different colors. For that you would do something like R25, R80, and R90. If you had an extra circuit, maybe throw in an Amber or a Blueish Purple - Congo Blue (L181) is always a nice color to have at your disposal. Your show seems a little more themed than the typical rock concert, so you might need to adjust your colors to work with the theme and the set. Hope this gives you some ideas.
When I first got tasked with this project my mind started wondering off right away with the possibilities, but the power limitation has been a pretty big factor for me, and I have already had to lamp down quite a few P64's from 1000w to 500w so that if for some reason everything gets turned on (I won't be operating) we won't be overloading the 100A pin and sleeve connector. I would love another 100A drop, but the venue wants close to $1600 for it, and it just isn't in the clients budget.

I am hoping come Monday to sub out the P64's on the side booms (which are trimmed out at 10' off the deck) for a returning rental of the rest of our starpars for the extra punch while staying close to the power budget. The band is also going to be close to the back of the stage as the front needs to be clear for the lecture sessions.

Thanks so far for the suggestions, I am going to see if I can get a few more instruments on the FOH truss for a little more color, it is circuited separately from the rest of the stage and on it's own power so I think I can squeeze in a few more hundred watts up there.

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