Mixers/Consoles Behringer SX2442FX Eurodesk (24-Channel)

I'm looking to purchase the Behringer SX2442FX Eurodesk 24-Channel Mixer. Anyone used or had experience with this board before? Is it good? I'm really looking to get this one..so i'm more looking for just reviews..please, tell me what you think! What about one of the smaller models? Are they better/worse?

Input would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :p
In general Behringer products are long on features and short on quality. You may get lucky and get one that works well but typically, you'll experience noise, channel bleed and faders that have dead zones.
In general Behringer products are long on features and short on quality. You may get lucky and get one that works well but typically, you'll experience noise, channel bleed and faders that have dead zones.

Thanks. I've used a few of their mixers before, but never this one..Have you ever used this one?
My opinion: do a forum search and see what similarly-spec'd consoles other users recommend and then arrange to rent one here-and-there. You'll save your money, get to use the various boards, and will not have to suffer the consequences of buying that brand's mostly less-than-stellar gear.

Oh, and I have used the mixer. It worked...partially...scratchy pots and the preamps seemed to clip more easily than "similar" boards (Mackie, Soundcraft, etc.)
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Just remember they are disposable after the warrenty
I have one that is dead on the first 6 channels. Everything else works witout any noise. So I carefully use it as a 18 channel board. It is a standby board so I'm not worried. One I am willing to let others use without my direct involvement

Behringer gear has a place, but use it wisely.

What is the driving reason for getting this board?
What is your planned application?

My preference has been to find higher quality used gear. certainly for the mix.
Just remember they are disposable after the warrenty
I have one that is dead on the first 6 channels. Everything else works witout any noise. So I carefully use it as a 18 channel board. It is a standby board so I'm not worried. One I am willing to let others use without my direct involvement

Behringer gear has a place, but use it wisely.

What is the driving reason for getting this board?
What is your planned application?

My preference has been to find higher quality used gear. certainly for the mix.

Thanks for the input.

Ok, let me be frank, I'm just a kid with not a lot of money who does school shows every so often, and need a board that will work with mics. I'm not going to be mixing bands, or if I do, only maybe once a year. (and nothing big) So I really want something that will last me. $500 is my MAX amount I can spend, but I really don't want to even spend that much. I can get this board for $450 new, but from what it sounds like, I may regret it. I've used Behringer's stuff before and had no problems, but I'd rather not take the risk. Suggestions? :neutral:
I just replaced my MX3282A with a Yamaha 01V96 plus extra pres via ADAT and I will say that that was a half decent board but it was not good. Also, the SX2442 which I have also used is much much worse. With a bit of patience you can get a four bus 24 channel mackie for about $500, sometimes less on craigslist, gearsource, etc. Do that, the SR24.4 isn't a fantastic board but it is reliable and decent and way better than the one you are looking at. Plus if your lucky you'll get a road case included.
I'll bet you can get a used Allen & Heath MixWizard for $500.

Peavey actually makes pretty good stuff. So does Yamaha. I have heard bad things about Mackie ever since they moved all the production to China.
I think that no matter how you slice it, the moral of the story is buy a used board from a better brand for pretty much the same price and you'll be much much happier. You could get one of the Yamaha 24/14 boards used in that price range, a mackie 32.4 or 24.4 most likely with a case, or possibly a MixWizard if you are down with the fewer channels. Either way, you will get a substantially better built board that you won't want to unload a year from now. I know too many high school students and tech newbies who are wowed by the knobs and dials and buy a board which isn't really right for them. The story always ends with it broken or for sale on craigslist for a fraction of the purchase price. Again, I didn't hate my behringer. It didn't break or anything like that, it just had somewhat limited routing options, not very good sound, and kind of cheap feeling construction. Now I bought it on craigslist for $300 including a road case and it was a much higher end board (in the scheme of behringer) than the one you are looking at and, while I don't feel ripped off or anything like that, I wish I had spent a couple hundred more and gotten a better board that I might actually want to keep around as a backup or to lend out.
With Behringer, the problem isn't so much the audio quality (though it's not necessarily stellar) as the build quality and interference (RFI) immunity.

While $500 isn't a lot, if you look used you can probably find something. I remember watching consoles on Ebay a few years ago and seeing Yamaha MC series consoles, sometimes in case, go for 500 or less. Older Mixwizards as well. Soundcraft 200B and maybe even 400B. It's been a while since I've looked, but there are good deals to be had. Goodness, the tiny company a buddy of mine and I have picked up an MC3204-II for free as part of an installation; it's been taking up valuable space in the shop ever since, and if it were local we'd probably let it go for $500. Might even pay somebody to take it away. :)

We picked up a GA32/12 a couple of years ago for $700 -- old console, taking valuable space away from the 5Ds at a larger local outfit, special friend discount. We've since upgraded and even that one is taking up valuable space. I'm sure we're not the only ones with that predicament, more gear than space.
If you want to go digital and want to stay in your budget look on ebay or craig's list and try to find a Yamaha 03d. Some folks get carried away and try got sell these for 600-1000 but usually if you hunt and wait a bit you can find one pretty reasonable. These are build well, have full effects, moving faders and support 8 mic pre's with an additional 8 line amps that you can get an inexpensive set of pre's when you need them. I use a couple of these all the time, and the advantage IMO is that it gets you on the digital path for not a lot of money, and is pretty full featured.

For a bit more money there are used 02r's that show up also, these are also great mixers, not perfect for live sound but again these were 10000 dollar mixers in their day. (the 02r has 16 mic pre's)

If you do decide to search make sure you look under 02r 03d with a zero and o2r/o3d with an alphabetic o. The 03d is pretty easy to move around, the 02r is pretty big and heavy.

Other than then you are basically going to wind up on the analog side of things with mackie or allen heath or yamaha as your best options, BUT these analog mixers are not going to have the digital features of effects, and recall etc that the yamaha digital mixers have.

Just something to think about

While I agree with the suggestions that a good used console is often a potentially better option than a cheap new one, I would approach that carefully as the life and condition of used boards can vary widely. I would have no hesitation buying a used console that I knew had been taken proper care of but would be a bit wary of buying a console without knowing anything about its background or condition. One tip off can be why it is being sold in the first place, are they moving up to a nicer/larger console and don't need it for a B rig? Or is it maybe being sold because they no longer trust it or have had problems with it? Don't be afraid to ask questions to try to assess if you are getting a great deal or simply buying someone else's problems.

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