Candle substitute in "Fruit Cakes"


Active Member
I need something to substitute for candles capable generating enough heat to spin an angel carousel or angel chimes in the play, "Fruit Cakes". The carousel uses four candles approximately 4" long & 1/2" in diameter. We don't do open flames, so candles are out. Any suggestions?
Could you mount an 80mm fan underneath the chimes?
Quiet fans like - ENERMAX UC-8EB 80mm Case Fan might work.

I've retrofitted this fan into multiple power supplies and I cannot hear it from more than a few feet away.

Continuous rotation servos also come to mind, but would require more overhead ($$$) to drive, unlike the fan I linked.
I'd think that small incandescent chandelier bulbs would generate enough heat for that. You'd also get the light effect for the candles from them....

If not, try an MR-16 or similar mixed-reflector lamp. Those throw more than enough heat to spin chimes, and if you need to disguise the light there are plenty of dichroic filters on the market for that.
I think I'd rip the drive out of a CD, or hard drive. Those are typically very thin and could hide under the bottom platted of the carousel. Then you'd just need to hide the driving circuit under the bottom of the rig and run it all with some coin cells. You'd obviously want to slow it down some, I don't hink you'd want the carousel spinning at 7200 rpm........
How fun would that be though. "tonight ladies and gentlemen, if you get impailed by a chime you win free season tickets"
Thanks for the suggestions. We did try the computer fan idea, but were unable to make it spin given the required location of the fan. There's not enough structure to attach some sort of shaft to use a small motor, but I did get a chuckle visualizing small golden cherubs flying through the audience propelled by an out-of-control CD drive.

We're out of time, so take that, director who waits until the last minute & expects miracles. Actually, I suspect she really expected that I would fold on the prohibition of candles.
honestly, night light bulds / candelabra should generate enough heat if it must generate light and heat.

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