Automated Fixtures Clay Paky Personality for Expression 3


Recently we purchased three new Clay Paky Alpha Spot HPE 300's, and I have not been able to use them yet. The problem: finding or creating a personality file for my ETC Expression 3.

I know there have been threads like this before but I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for in a search.

Looking on ETC's websites at the personalities that have been created before, I find two unverified personalities that say they are for the Alpha Spot HPE 300 but one has 23 channels and the other has 28 channels. Looking in the manual for the new fixtures it says there are 27 channels. So something isn't right there. So I downloaded the "Expression Personality Editory" to create my own based off of the Channels in the manual and I came upon a snag. I work on a Mac and the editor is a .exe file :(.

So can someone kindly direct me to a location where I might find a correct personality for the Clay Paky's? Or if someone were to create their own using the Personality Editor and just send that to me, I think it would just make my day. :dance:
Or if someone were to create their own using the Personality Editor and just send that to me, I think it would just make my day. :dance:

See attached ZIP file.

I have included the personality and a PDF explaining what each parameter is in relation to what the manufacturer calls it as well as the home values assigned in the personality.

Please keep in mind I created this based on the data provided from Clay Paky's website about this fixture and have not actually tested it with a real fixture. I guessed on what the best home value would be based on what Clay Paky described in their documentation.

Hope this helps.


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