Engineering Degrees


Lighting Programmer
I'm currently at school for Engineering, but am having issues deciding which way to go in terms of specialization. I know that I would like to do work in theatre after I graduate so my question is this:

If you have an engineering degree what field is it in and what do you do in the theatrical world with that degree?

Scott, try a couple of searches as this general issue has come up several times. There are people here with a variety of Engineering degrees, some that are directly applicable to their work in theatre work and some that are not directly related to their theatre involvement. There's even a group that was created just for such people, Engineers for a Better Entertainment Industry - ControlBooth.

People here can offer there stories but it would seem that you really need to think about what areas of theatre interest you. It also may depend upon what options you have as Universities vary as far as the Engineering disciplines or focus areas within those disciplines they may offer. I attended a University that happens to offer several specialized Engineering programs including Acoustical Engineering (my major), Lighting Engineering and Theatre Engineering Studies, but at many Universities you may simply have to develop your own plan of study within an EE, ME or other 'traditional' Engineering curriculum.
I've got an Electrical Engineering degree but I don't actually work in the theater industry. Was looking to work in the A/V world after graduation but I couldn't get my foot in the door and didn't know the right people. So I went into power engineering. My day job is designing high voltage substations. The nice thing about having a "standard" engineering degree is that you can apply it in many other ways should the situation arise. I satisfy my urge for theater by volunteering and consulting on the side. I'm very involved in my church media department and have done a bit on consulting for other churches.

From what I've seen, and I've by no means seen it all, in general, salaries in the mainstream engineering industry will be higher than salaries for an engineer working in theater. I know that money isn't everything, but you need to decide what is right for you. What I've said is what was/is right for me.

As museav said, you have to look at what is available to you and make a decision for yourself. All the rest of can do is merely relate our own experiences.

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