First Résumé Opinions/Suggestions (14)

I have to pretty much mimic what people were saying here, at 14 your way ahead of the game. Board op experience is a plus whether or not these volenteers or student think so many people who haven't been in a show critical environment where if something goes on a true board op doesn't just know how to push a button, if that was the case we could go to those labor ready places and stick a headset on them and tell them to press this button when we tell them to.

As far as being proficient in software, Microsoft word requires a proficiency, as well as powerpoint. I have seen many of the same people I'm competing against for summer stock state they are proficient with PowerPoint (remember 18-20 year olds, TEENAGERS WHO ARE ASSUMED TO HAVE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT TECH) go to write a paper or make a PowerPoint and completely destroy themselves because they don't know what a margin is, they don't know that sounds and flashy animations are a little too "artsey" for a professional presentation.

I can't remember how many times I've gotten a job or a volunteer position because I can actually think and use software most people find "Common".

So to sum it all up for a resume at 14 it looks like you know what your doing other than a few minor things that I'm certain you'll learn as you get older and get more experience you are on the right track.

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