Help me with my Lighting, New LEDs?

My biggest suggestion is definitely toning things down to 1000w lamps. I agree with Les above, having had cyc gels last whole seasons in the past. The cyc silk gels won't get any more longevity than the regular ones in my experience. They're more for obtaining an even spread than lengthening the life-span of the gel.

Consider yourself lucky as far as equipment goes. In college, it was always fun when touring shows came in and told us how cute our slide patch and variac dimmers were. And I graduated in 2008!
It looks like you real problem is the cyc lights with gel burnout and lamps, quite a pain. If that is the case I would suggest switching to ETC Vivid R 42". You will probably need about 5 units (20 sets or rgbwa). I am using 6 over a 50' w 20' h cyc. Unfortunatly you will also need a bigger budget however your cyc light headaches will go away. no more gels, extremely bright, no heat, and no more bulbs. It will also work well with you new Congo/eos as you will have a color picker and effects you can run on them.

If you don't go to the cyc, then IMHO I would go for elation led par zooms. They are in four of my venues and I like the flexibility. I am using about 28 on a stage your size. Your Congo/eos will also work will with them. They are about $500 - $600 ea.
Thanks for the suggestions, I will be toning them down to 1000w lamps and using cyc silk gels but I also now need help finding some replacement safety mesh/screen. I was planning on going to home depot and buying a roll of hardware cloth but I can't find anything with small enough mesh to replace it. There are already a couple of lights that it has been torn off due to really bad burning but I don't like running without it. Can someone link me to what would be a suitable mesh to use? I have someone able to weld in onto the frames for me, I just need to find it!

Would something like this work?:
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every three hours even for a 1.5k lamp is a bit high, I do suggest dropping to a 1k lamp we have the strands answer to the "skyCyc" which run 1k lamps for a 40'x60' cyc and I can't remember the last time we burned a hole through the gel. we use rosco almost exclusively sometimes lee, but we've had 81 up in those cycs for quite sometime running for about 8 hrs at a time almost daily in the summer.
Thanks, I have suggested the metal mesh to my boss as well as the cyc silk gels. I only have two more days of work then there is nothing until the middle of January so when school resumes on the 2nd I will see about getting everything done and see what types of LED pars he has in store.. Thanks for all the suggestions on everything.

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