Control/Dimming High End Status Cue lighting console

I've got a Status Cue I used for six years (~2001-2007) for 90% of an Equity Small Professional Theatre's production. The house we performed in also owned a fairly good sized ETC. Lighting was run by stage management who absolutely adored the Status Cue's user interface and hated the ETC. I'd set up acts as "songs" so they had a pallet of all the cues right in front of them. If there was a train wreck on stage they could quickly repeat a cue, jump to a different cue, etc. I used the console for programming a show and they ran it with a mouse.

An SC would be just fine with the equipment listed and it doesn't sound like your going to have a budget to rush and buy current intelligent lighting anyhow. I did run my Cyberlights and scrollers with no issues, there is a custom channeling feature where you can build multichannel fixtures from scratch, you can't use the track ball for steering but at least you can design a preset for given multichannel instrument. For instance: You could easily have an RGB LED run off of a three channel custom fixture.

Bottom line? If you're patient and learn to use a $300 Status Cue I suspect you'll have a better system than any free system with a dongle.
Re: High End Systems StatusCue LinkCards

I think I may have a link card laying around somewhere. Here is a link to highends site with all of the info you could need for status cue. Be aware the link cards are full sized ISA. So you will have to find an older computer with a mother board and enough room in the case. I may have some computers around for sale will have to look.
Bottom line? If you're patient and learn to use a $300 Status Cue I suspect you'll have a better system than any free system with a dongle.
I am sorry but I think that this is very bad advice. I realise that you like the desk and have history with it, but please do not advise anyone else to use it. It is ancient and clunky technology and is not fit for purpose. Have you ever used MagicQ? Their "free system" is exactly the same software that powers the big consoles.Its extremely powerful, stable, easy to use and is constantly being updated and refined. The PC wing will be excellent for the job.
Okay so I found out the console comes with cases for both the control board and the rack mount PC with four link cards. I know everyone keeps saying this board wasn't designed well but for $375 with cases and everything working. (and an windows operator that knows how to configure 95 for stability) would this be a decent buy for someone who largely works with 48k par rigs or 96k par rigs. (almost no movers we generally rock an express which would be on the show as well for a load in board/backup)

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