Control/Dimming I'm new to dmx HELP


I have a new little system I am trying to hookup. I have a colormix CA-32 controller, It says it is 4ch. I am trying to hook it to stellar lab rgb par39s par cans. these cans say they can set up as a 5ch or 3ch slave unit. The cans have 4 function switches and the normal 10 pattern switches. I have tried to hook up by the book but no handshake. Anyone got any ideas. Thanks
Upon cursory examination, everything I find on the or NEW CHAUVET COLORMIX CA-32 PRO DJ CONTROLLER EQUIPMENT - CA-32 , says "For iColor4/3000 Lights ONLY", or something other than stellar lab rgb par39s par cans .

Perhaps something from the Chauvet Obey, Elation Scene Setter, or Optima Monster lines would be more appropriate.

I'll spare everyone my rant on calling something a "DMX-512 color wash controller" and then limiting the DMX fixtures it can control to "for TFX-900 only".

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