Leprecon LD-2400 Dimmer Packs


Active Member
Hi everyone:

I have 6 Leprecon LD-2400 dimmer packs that were donated to my theater. We have an ETC Express 250 and run everything off of DMX512. What's the easiest (and cheapest) way to get the LD-2400 packs up and running on DMX512?

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You're going to need:

*24 and 32 channel are much more common. Some of the kits come in 8ch. versions, which might be useful here. Do you have adequate power input and wiring infrastructure to run 36x2.4kW dimmers? What I would probably do is buy a 32ch. DAC, and only use five of the six six-packs.

Unless you'd like this as a DIY project (cheapest), I'd call See Factor, or other NYC lighting companies, to see if they had a used demux I could buy (easiest). You'll still likely need all of the above, as output wiring varies greatly.
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