Control/Dimming Please Help!! - DMX controller to connect to a 16 channel RGY Laser.

Hi all
I just wondered if somebody could give me a little assistance about what dip switch settings I need for my new Laser? (I'm quite new at using DMX) I've just recently bought a new RGY laser off E-Bay from a company called "Meierlight" (Part no: ME-LAS IV) & I am also using a standard DMX 512 controller (DMX Master 192). I’m just finding it a little hard getting the controller to work with my laser. If I turn the number 10 dip switch on the laser to on (To turn the laser into DMX mode) & I also turn switches 1 & 3 on, I can control & access some patterns & that’s about it. If I then put switch 10 on again, although put switches 1 & 4 on instead, I can then access different patterns (although not the ones when I had the 1 & 3 switches on), colours, rotations etc, although they’re not in the order on the controller as stated in the manual. I wondered if anybody may of known what the correct dip switch settings should be? The laser has 16 channels & the controller can support up to 192 channels. Your help shall be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time & help.

without further information it's really hard to give you any useful advice. You should at least provide a link to the manual - I wasn't able to find anything online but the sellers pages on ebay.

The same goes for the controller. There is like 100 different devices by that name (all basically the same).

But even without knowing what exact device you got: You wrote something about "jsut some basic patterns". What else do you expect it to do? Advanced control - like projecting text or images - usually can't be done using DMX. You would have to hook up a computer and connect through the ilda interface.


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