Rigging Our Own Scenery?


Active Member
Lets just get this straight scnery and scenery is all that we will be rigging (maybe).

Our PAC manager just quit on us and our drama director nor do I know how to rig scenery at all. We learned a little from when he was here. But is this something we can learn or is it something that we should not mess with, like flying people. We really need our scenery to be hung so hoping it would be safe if we learned. But if not please please tell.
Well we dont know yet, Our music is Thoroughly Modern Millie and the hotel and hotel hallway will be hung, thats basically just going to be flats
There is a lot of things that can fly in that show but the alternative is double sided wagons. If I were you I would call on a local theatre and ask for some help, I would hope someone would give a little bit of time to help you guys.
We are doing double sided wagons on some scenery, We are just tring to get away from closing our main drape and doing a scene in front of there. So we are trying to make everything seamlessly flow. I dont know if this affects anything but we have eletrical battens (drum hoist I think?).
There is a lot of things that can fly in that show but the alternative is double sided wagons. If I were you I would call on a local theatre and ask for some help, I would hope someone would give a little bit of time to help you guys.
We are doing double sided wagons on some scenery, We are just tring to get away from closing our main drape and doing a scene in front of there. So we are trying to make everything seamlessly flow. I dont know if this affects anything but we have eletrical battens (drum hoist I think?).
can you post some photos ? some of the operating lines, and a view of what is overhead. Did you former manager work with anyone local? are there any other venues in your area that have a fly system?
If no one in the building knows what they're doing when rigging, and you're rigging things, then you should hire someone that knows what they're doing. If you plan on rigging things often then it would probably be a better use of funds to have a qualified person come in and teach a rigging class. Classes are a great way to develop a relationship with a qualified professional in case you need someone to come in and look at something complex that's beyond your skill level. Either way rigging things without a a person that knows how to rig is a liability and you really shouldn't do it.
Going by the classified ad you placed, I would think that it shouldn't be too hard to find someone in the OKC metroplex to help you out. I would suggest that your drama director network with both OU and OCU theatre departments.
Give a call to Lyric theatre in OKC. They are in their easier season right now. Any of those guys would come out and get your stuff in the air for a decent price.

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