Troubleshooting non-dimming S4 ERS

Stuart R

Hello all -

I am trying to figure out why one of my Source4 Jr. ERS instruments has lost its ability to dim - from 0 to 49% it's off and at 50% it turns on at 100%. It's plugged into a normal dimmer circuit (Sensor+), not a relay or constant current module. The soft patching at our Element board is normal. Thoughts?

Thanks -
Sounds like the Dimmer or channel is profiled to be @0% until slider is at 50 then @100% once slider is at 51%.
I'm not positive about the S4Jr but some units can be programmed to behave this way in their own profile. Most likely it is a patch profile. IMHO.
I'd bet that the S4jr's dimmer is set to "non-dim" or "switched" at the CEM+.

Link to CEM+ User/Config Manual, page 43.

If you need further help, don't hesitate to call ETC Service at 1-800-688-4116 24/7 while in front of the CEM+. They'll happily walk you through it. I've used Sensor since 1992 and I still call occasionally.

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