truss base sizing help


Hey all. So, I inherited 4 pieces of AL triangular truss (12" maybe?) about 8' long. Along with that I inherited 2 bases for standing the truss vertically. These are just a sheet of plywood, 4' in diameter, with a socket that the truss fits into. So, since I've never really worked with truss before, I thought I'd ask where I can find a table or chart about the recommended size of bases for truss (for a certain height) and how much weight should be added (if any). Is there a reference that describes this? Or, what's the proper way of sizing bases for vertical truss?
There's no chart, just good old fashion common sense. Well, there's some science in there somewhere too. There are too many variables to make a chart. Wood/metal? What type of wood/metal? Construction? Size. Weight. Condition. If it's just plywood I'd be careful about putting anything on it. I built a pair of 36" square 3/4" birch bases. I put 1x4 around the bottom edges to elevate the base enough to get a bolt underneath (obviously, you want the bolt head on the bottom and the nut to come in from the top for the lowest profile possible).
Gemini rents out 36" square metal base plates with their 12"x12" truss sticks as standard, so that may be a good place to start. They also recommend three sand bags per base assuming it's an 8' tower.
It's going to depend on what your putting on it too. A couple of pars won't need much, and a big mover could require a big base with lots of weight.
Thanks for the replies. It seems to me that a 36" square base with about 100lb of weight total is about standard from everyone's responses. So, for once, something I inherited isn't going to need mods to make it safe! Hooray!
just a comment, indoors no problem, but outdoors with strong winds, big potential problem.

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